Advance Your Career by Taking These 2020 Lessons into 2021

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It was a challenging year, one that significantly hampered many careers. But you can’t dwell on those setbacks.


2021 is coming…and you need to take 2020’s lessons into the new year to reorient your career and excel over the long haul.


Perhaps a literary reference can put it into perspective. Usually, the day-to-day routine of professional life has little in common with the Lord of the Rings. But with the specter of COVID looming like an economy-killing Dark Lord of Mordor, the comparison seems appropriate.


At the very least, recent events suggest one of the book’s best-remembered quotes:


“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”


In other words, don’t get bogged down by the challenges you faced in 2020.


You need to accept the situation and do what’s necessary to succeed, despite the terrible circumstances. It’s time to march toward Mount Doom (in this case, the prospect of another challenging year) and draw what lessons you can from 2020.


This will allow you to put your professional development back on track and continue to advance your career in 2021 and beyond.


Here are a few lessons to keep in mind:


Buckle Up…It Could Be a Bumpy Year


Things looked good around February of 2020.


With unemployment below 4% and the economy healthy, there was little reason to doubt that things could keep rolling for the rest of the year. Then COVID hit.


Besides the lives impacted by the virus itself, the pandemic sparked a massive economic disruption. That background gives the New Year a good news/bad news dynamic.


The good news: 2020 is finally over.


The bad news: 2021 might not be much better.


Many stats related to COVID suggest that early 2021 at least could be worse. With the previous year as the reference, don’t count on 2021 being a recovery year.


Hopefully, things will get better, especially as the months unfold. But be prepared for another difficult period.


Stay Informed


The spread of the virus put information at a premium in 2020.


The outline of the pandemic continuously changed. In response, governments updated their response with little notice. Companies had to respond to an ever-evolving regulatory environment.


This encouraged every manager and business owner to become news hawks. That attention to fast-changing conditions will continue in 2021.


You’ll have to remain vigilant to keep up. Opportunities are likely to open and close quickly as the market responds to evolving circumstances.


Be ready to take advantage of good luck when it comes up, and minimize risk when conditions turn against you.


Upgrade Your Communication Game


Face-to-face meetings became an endangered species in 2020. The spread of COVID accelerated the use of virtual techniques. Now, anyone who can work from home has a setup ready for the next quarantine.


Be ready for this new normal. Even when the virus finally passes, the world of communication will remain complex and heavily virtual.


To succeed, you’ll have to master the ins and outs of this modern form of business.


Stay on Track with Qualified Staffing

2021 promises to be another challenging year.


To keep your career on track, you’ll need all the support you can get. By partnering with a strong staffing agency, like Qualified Staffing, you maximize your chances of finding the ideal positions for you.


Contact Qualified Staffing today to learn more.
